Nōn Wels
Pronouns: (He/Him/His)
Nōn Wels is a mental health advocate, writer, doggo lover, runner, empath and feely human who resides in Southern California. In his late teens and early twenties, he nearly died from a mixture of undiagnosed depression, anxiety and anorexia. Now, in his late 30s, Nōn shares his experiences openly to allow others to be seen and heard.
In 2018, Nōn created the “You, Me, Empathy” podcast to give others a safe space to feel their feelings and share their stories of mental health, recovery and personal triumph through eating disorders, mental illness, trauma and myriad ebbs and flows this wild wonder we call life throws our way.
In 2020, Nōn launched the first phase of The Feely Human Collective—a collaborative mental health community that serves to empower each of us to tap into our innate capacity for empathy, vulnerability and emotional wayfinding. The Feely Human Collective features workshops, an online journal, a podcast and shop. Later phases of the collective will include workshops in businesses and schools, in-person retreats, a live storytelling series and much more.
Finally, Nōn wants you to know you are worthy, you are loved, and you are not alone.
Follow Nōn Wels and The Feely Human Instagram. Follow the You, Me, Empathy podcast on Instagram.